Director’s Message

Letter from Management

Management's MESSAGE

I stand over here in a particular capacity. I can call myself a grandparent of this place, because many of the parents over here are my students. I started meeting them seeing since their childhood and now they are all grown up and many of their children are here in this school. I am doubly happy that they have invited me to be here.


I left teaching about 9 years ago, until that time I was in a one single place in Hyderabad for last 25 years and before that I spent some time in Africa; so it was about 40 years long teaching carrier. All over the world I have my students and especially in India you can have my students in Assam, in Orrisa, in Delhi, in Madhya Pradesh, in Nagaland, in Manipur, in Karnataka, in Uttar Pradesh almost all places and you don’t have to talk about Andhra Pradesh because that many years I spent over here teaching students and many of them remember me and for that both of us are grateful and I believe we might have contributed something in their life.


Now, a couple of things that I would like to tell as a teacher. First one is, the buildings don’t make any school a good one. It can be very attractive but if the products are coming out from the school, from that infrastructure, which is very attractive, is not good; then you cannot call it a good school any more. Let’s say, if you have a very beautiful Maruti Suzuki workshop or assembly plant and the vehicles which are coming out of that are popular and when you start driving the four wheels come off!! We cannot say that it’s a very good product and it’s a very good company.

Looking at my students who are present here in Itarsi, I can say that we have done a good job because all of them are successful and I feel very proud to stand over here and claim that they are my students. A few years later in your life, over here, you would also feel exactly the same way that I am feeling right now.  

Second point is partially to the parents and partially to the students. My request to all of you parents as well as students is you develop a library at a home if you want children to be influential and growth minded children. Teach them how to read. It is the love of reading that you cultivate in them. So buy the books you can afford; buy enough toys and other things but once in a while buy books for them so that it becomes a habit. No school, no household can produce good children, good students without books in their life. So my request is please take an initiative to start a library at home.

Then, if you want your children going forward, you have to teach also that we have to feel proud about of our surroundings. For example, like your school children who are studying over here and the parents who were sending to this school they should feel very proud that we are sending their children to Green Point and you have to make it into such a situation where you have to feel proud in the sense that keep clean your surroundings. Make your surroundings clean make your village clean, make your district clean, make your state clean and thus make your country clean. This is something which you can learn from the school when you are very young. If the teachers talk about these things to influence the life of the students who are growing up here. So, it spreads it may be ten, fifteen, twenty students now it will grow into two hundred, two thousand. That is one thing we have practiced as teachers so, the students who came out of Ivy league academy in Hyderabad, this is something we taught them and they followed it. So, that kind of habit can be inculcated in almost all of you, provided that it is being repeated. Never think that once you tell them that is enough, children are not like that you have to repeat repeatedly to follow this kind of good habits.

I can see that this is a dynamic school and it is growing. It is growing in strength, as well as in the area, in the infrastructure that we have seen. Yesterday I went over to the new site and I assessed that it’s going to grow up and one day will be very proud that we have a school like this in Itarsi. This is something that the management is striving to give the society, have a good school around. What we have to do now is to encourage teachers, the administration, the principal, the vice- principal to put forward their best so that they grow up into one of the best schools around. I can see already that the thought is there, that effort is there. So, there is no way that it can fail. This is what I would like to say and I have to congratulate all of you who are here for putting up such a grand show and it looks very fantastic and this is exactly what I meant by saying that we have to feel proud about it when you look around you can definitely say that it’s a good place and you also feel little proud that you are part of it.


– Mentor And Guide

Mr.Abraham Eapen

EX Principal of Ivy Legaue School – Hyderabad

“The past year has seen a lot of ups and downs for the whole global community due to the coronavirus pandemic. There has been a huge learning gap created due to limited functioning of schools and educational institutions.

Mental and emotional health along with the physical health has been affected for everyone. Green point has managed to survive these trying times with flying colours.

We have been in touch with the parents and the students regularly trying to provide guidance, assistance and knowledge to overcome these unprecedented situations.

I give kudos to the green point family of teachers, students and parents for there dedicated service and the show of perseverance and courage in these testing times.

The future is shining bright for the students of Green Point and we look forward to their amazing achievements and success.”

– Director

Ritesh Sharma

M.Sc. in financial management – Robert Gordon University Scotland U.K. & MBA in Finance – Pune University